Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July 2009 Trip Goals

  • Encourage community involvement and active participation at all levels – this is their project!

  • Provide continued educational workshops

  • Provide continued operations and maintenance training for previously implemented systems

  • Follow-up on the functioning of both slow sand filter units

  • Follow-up and fine-tuning of chlorine injection systems

  • Provide continued water quality testing

  • Development of a long term water quality monitoring plan

  • Follow-up on the pilot graywater irrigation system

  • Follow-up on the community’s access to the library

  • Follow-up on the solar-powered lighting system

  • Provide continued health assessment with the help of 2 med students from Baylor

  • Reporting on the sustainability of each engineering system

  • Regional Expansion - Meetings with Ministry of Health, Food & Water in Cuzco

EWB Araypallpa Project

Friday, June 5, 2009

Going to Peru!!

Today is officially the last day of class for Kelli and I. Technically, we finished class yesterday, but we just finished turning in the last paper of our graduate careers!!! Now, we have all the time in the world to think about and plan for Peru.

Earlier this week, Kelli and I purchased our tickets for travel. We will be in Peru for all of July. We are PUMPED! Adam, Mike, Ruben, Chris and Mary will be traveling with us. The rest of this month, we will finish up with the planning, practicing workshops, and pulling together all the supplies we need to bring down.

Grizelda, Kelli and I have worked out most of the education workshops that we will be holding while in Arraypallpa and Sanka -- someone will have to dress up like a fly. We need fly wings! if you have some to make up a fly costume, we would appreciate it. Or, if you have tips on how to make some fly wings, we are up for the craft project.

Cecilia from the Humanities Department gave us a great workshop on Peruvian culture.

Nate Stebor, previous on the Peru team and now a Kenya team member, gave a phenominal water quality testing workshop. He warned us of poop dust and other contaminants that might affect the results of our water quality testing. But don't worry, we'll bring the mini lightsaber pen thing to sterilize!

We have one more team meeting this coming Thursday June 11 9 am to 1pm. We are going to have first aid and CPR training. Aside from that, we're ready to travel!

Wish us luck.

--Kelli and Carolyn